Designed for Income Protection Users

VIM Group has developed an innovative Claim Triage Program (CTP) specifically for Income Protection insurers. The CTP is aimed at facilitating improved duration management through targeted service delivery, whilst minimising claims costs.

CTP Features & Benefits

  • Assess claims to determine the “actual” current status (forensic investigation beneath the details provided on a monthly statement document)
  • Implement early intervention to ensure a rapid return to normal capacity and function
  • Identify opportunities to “unstick” long term claimants who are caught in a cycle of certified medical incapacity, but could progress forward with the right engagement and intervention
  • Be most beneficial when used as a fixed cost pre-cursor to traditional rehabilitation services, to determine if rehab will likely be of any benefit

CTP Process

The CTP has three distinct phases:

  • Phase One: Desktop review and stakeholder contacts
  • Phase Two: Interview with the Insured
  • Phase Three: Medical Case Conference

The regular contact between the Rehabilitation Consultant and Claims Assessor during each phase is designed to eliminate unnecessary servicing for claimants that are inappropriate for rehab services and ensure all specific details required by the Insurer are obtained.

The CTP program is typically funded as a fixed fee service, applied to each phase.  If ongoing rehabilitation services are required post the CTP program, these will be requested at the completion of Phase Three.